expert ginger

Garlic & ginger

Whether it’s ginger for in your tea, garlic for the pasta you make, or pomelo for that extra bit of vitamin C, China offers a wide variety of high quality products year-round. Garlic and ginger are available all year (through the coldstores) until the new crop slowly replaces the old crop. Pomelo is only seasonal, during autumn and winter as a healthy alternative to the citrus from Spain and Morocco. Aside this, Anaco & Greeve also offers an exotic alternative to the Dutch pear, in the form of Nashi pears.

expert garlic

our specialists garlic & ginger

Jan van der Voort –
Tom Kuijpers –

Quality certificates

At Anaco & Greeve International, we are fully aware of the growing importance of possessing the right certificates. Therefore, we spend our fullest attention to keeping all certification up to date. Our own as well as our suppliers.

quality certificate

We source fruit & vegetables
from all over the world

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